Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Italian Meatloaf

Surprisingly, I love this meatloaf. The recipe came from the P90X nutrition plan as well. Serves 4.

1/2c onion, diced
2T chicken broth, low sodium
2T garlic, minced (or 1/2tsp garlic powder)
1 1/2lb ground turkey breast
1/2c bread crumbs
1/2c + 2T marinara sauce
2T fresh basil, chopped (1/2-1tsp dried)
2T parsley, chopped (1/2-1tsp dried)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Saute onion in the chicken broth until lightly browned. Add the garlic and cook 5 minutes more. Remove from heat and cool slightly. In large mixing bowl, combine onion mixture with turkey, break crumbs, 1/2c marinara sauce, basil, and parsley. Form mixture into loaf. Place in an ungreased loaf pan. Brush with the remaining 2T marinara sauce and bake 30-45 minutes. Drain off fat and let cool 20 minutes before cutting into 8 slices.

Protein packed deliciousness. :)
Sorry I forgot to take a picture before I cut into it!!!

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