Monday, February 28, 2011

Curry Chicken and Broccoli Casserole

This recipe wasn't amazing but it was pretty good, just a little different than what I'm used to. I got it out of a new cookbook I received from a relative. I've found that most of the recipes in it are even more southern than I'm used to, haha. Most of them are covered in lots of creamy concoctions that overpower everything else but this one isn't too bad. :) I just made less of the cream stuff and more of the broccoli and rice!

4c cooked rice
3c steamed broccoli
2c cut up cooked chicken
1can cream of chicken soup
1c mayonnaise
1T lemon juice
1/2-1tsp curry powder
1 1/2c shredded cheddar cheese

Layer rice, broccoli, then chicken in a 13x9 casserole you've sprayed with cooking spray. Combine soup, mayo, lemon juice and curry then spread over chicken. Top with cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-45min (until it bubbles and the cheese is melted).

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