Friday, February 18, 2011

Garlic Parmesan Chicken and Noodles

One of my favorite recipes!!!

6oz extra wide egg noodles
2-2 1/4lb roasted chicken
1lb. bag frozen peas
1/2tsp garlic powder
1 3/4c heavy whipping cream (you could also use whole milk or light cream)
1/2 slice of bread (or store bought bread crumbs)
3/4c. parmesan
thyme (optional)
2T. melted butter

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. In a big sauce pan, bring 6c salted water to boiling; add noodles and cook 10min or until tender, then drain. Meanwhile, remove chicken from bones; discard skin. Shred chicken. In saucepan combine chicken, peas, garlic and cream/milk. Heat through, then cover and keep warm. In blender process bread into coarse crumbs. Transfer to a small boal; add 1/4c of the parmesan and 2T melted butter. Stir noodles and rest of the parmesan into hot chicken mixture. Heat and stir until bubbly. Pour into casserole dish and top with bread crumb mix. Bake 5 minutes. Top with fresh thyme.

Note: you might want to try sprinkling bread crumbs and parmesan on top and then drizzling melted butter on top of that, rather than mixing it all together because then it comes out in clumps. Or perhaps I just didn't melt the butter enough...

This recipe is one of my absolute favorites. I'd eat it every day if I could, haha!

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