Friday, June 10, 2011

What's your favorite recipe?

My grandma always says that your best dish is your easiest dish. Therefore, my best dessert is definitely Strawberry Pie. I’d enter a pie contest with this beauty, and mostly importantly, I’d win it! This is a great summertime dessert because that’s when the fruit is the ripest and most delicious. Let’s just say that if I was on my death bed and had one last meal, I’d want the sweet, sweet deliciousness of light, fresh Strawberry Pie. Plus, I love cooking with cornstarch. I believe cornstarch (and yeast) are more magical than Harry Potter, himself.

Strawberry Pie

Difficulty: Easy as Pie
Taste: ***** (5 Star)

1 9” pie crust, baked
1 quart fresh strawberries
½-1 cup sugar
3 TBSP. cornstarch
¾ cup water
1 container Cool Whip (or your favorite whipped topping)

Start by cutting off the tops of the strawberries and slicing them in half. Put half of the strawberries in a medium saucepan and the other half in a baked pie crust. Mash the strawberries in the sauce pan. (You can use a potato masher or a beater to a hand mixer.) Add the sugar to the mashed strawberries and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. While waiting for the strawberry-sugar mixture to boil, mix together the cornstarch and water in a small bowl. Once boiling, slowly whisk the cornstarch mixture into the mashed berries. Reduce heat to medium, and while stirring constantly, cook until thickened. When the mixture is thick, pour over the uncooked strawberries in the pie shell. Refrigerate to cool. Serve each slice with a dollop of Cool Whip & ENJOY!

Notes on Strawberry Pie
Taste one of the strawberries before you put any sugar on it. If it’s nice and sweet, only use about ½ cup sugar. If they are tart, use up to one cup to make them sweeter.
Poke holes in the bottom of the pie crust with a fork before you bake it. This will make the crust bake evenly, with no bubbles.
Trust me, you’ll know when the strawberry-sugar-cornstarch mix gets thick. It changes pretty quickly and becomes a different color (darker pink/red).



  1. AnonymousJune 11, 2011

    What a great idea, Courtney & Amanda! I'm not much of a cook, but love to surprise my family with something delicious every once in a while! I've printed out all your "easy" recipes and can't wait to give them a try! Keep up the good work! My family will especially appreciate it ;-)
    Sherry Baines xoxoox

  2. Enjoy the Exclusive Food

  3. What's Exclusive food??
    Thanks Sherry!!! :D
